Questions about array and pointer are always popular in firmware interviews. If you can understand the following codes, you should be able to answer most the of related questions in your interview.
Incompatible Types
Incompatible Types
char array1[] = "abcdef"; // OK
char array2[7];
array2 = "abcdef"; // Error -- incompatible type
char array3[10];
char *p;
p = array3; // OK
array3 = p; // Error -- incompatible type
Segmentation Faults
char *str = "abcdef";
*(str+1) = 'k';
// Segmentation fault -- can't modify string constant
char *str;
*(str) = 'k';
// Segmentation fault -- char *str has no memory allocated !!!
// because str is not initialized, its a big number
Infinite Loop
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
char c = 255; // should be changed to unsigned char
char p[256];
for (c = 0; c <= 255; c++) {
// should be changed to c < 255
printf("%d ", c);
p[c] = c;
// assign the value of p[255] outside of the loop